摘要: |
This study was conducted to determine the specific driver behaviors and unsafe driving acts (UDAs) that lead to crashes, and
the situational, driver and vehicle characteristics associated with these behaviors. A sample of 723 crashes involving 1284
drivers was investigated from four different sites in the country during the period from April 1, 1996 through April 30, 1997.
The crashes ware selected using the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) protocol and provide a fair sample of serious
crashes involving passenger vehicles in the United States. In-depth data were collected and evaluated on the condition of the
vehicles, the crash scene, roadway conditions, driver behavior and situational factors at the time of the crash. Investigators
used an 11 step process to evaluate the crash, determine the primary cause of each crash, and uncover contributing factors.
Crash causes were attributed to either driver behavior or other causes. In 717 of the 723 crashes investigated (99%), a
driver behavioral error caused or contributed to the crash. Of the 1284 drivers involved in these crashes, 732 drivers (57%)
contributed in some way Co the cause of their crashes. There were six causal factors associated with driver behaviors that
occurred at relatively high frequencies for these drivers and accounted for most of the problem behaviors. They are: DRIVBR
Inattention - 22.7%, VEHICLE SPEED - 18.7%, ALCOHOL IMPAIRMBNT - 18.2%, PEECEPTDAL ERRORS (e.g. looked, but didn't see) - 15.1%,
DECISIOH ERRORS (e.g. turned with obstructed view) - 10.1%, and INCAPACITATION (e.g. fell asleep) - 6.4%
problem types in terse of crash configuration and specific problem behaviors were also identified. The following seven crash problem types accounted for almost half of the crashes studied where there was a driver (Behavioral error: SANE DIRECTICM, REAREND (Driver Inattention Factors) - 12.9%, TURN, NERGB, PATH ENCROACHNBNT (Looked, Old Not See, etc.) - 12.0%, SINSLE DRIVER,ROADSIDE DBPARTORE (Speed, Alcohol) - 10.3%, IHTERSNCTINB PATHS, STRAIGHT PATHS (Looked, Did Not See etc.) - 4.1%, SAME TRAFFIC WAY. OPPOSITE DIRECTION (Inattention, Speed) - 2.6%, and BACKING. OTHER, MISCELLANEOUS, BTC. (Following Too Closely, Speed) -1.3%
Countermeasures were identified in the areas of education, training, and law enforcement for each of the major problem types described in this effort. A limited number of technology based countermeasures related to the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) initia ive were also identified when these countermeasure types were relevant to specific driver error tendencies.
A Technical Summary Report which highlights major findings of this effort has been prepared and is available to the general public.