原文传递 Machine Learning Approach to Predict Aircraft Landing Times using Mediated Predictions from Existing Systems.
题名: Machine Learning Approach to Predict Aircraft Landing Times using Mediated Predictions from Existing Systems.
作者: Dan Wesely ##Andrew Churchill ## John Slough##William J. Coupe
摘要: We developed a novel approach for predicting the landing time of airborne flights in real- time operations. The first step predicts a landing time by using mediation rules to select from among physics-based predictions (relying on the expected flight trajectory) already available in real time in the Federal Aviation Administration System Wide Information Management system data feeds. The second step uses a machine learning model built upon the mediated predictions. Themodelistrainedtopredicttheerrorinthemediatedprediction, usingfeatures describing the current state of an airborne flight. These features are calculated in real time from a relatively small number of data elements that are readily available for airborne flights. Initialresultsbasedonfivemonthsofdataatsixlargeairportsdemonstratethatincorporatinga machinelearningmodelontopofthemediatedphysics-basedpredictioncanleadtosubstantial additional improvements in prediction quality.
总页数: 22
报告类型: 科技报告
发布日期: 2021