Efficient Repair of CIDH Bridge Foundations: Phase 1 - Effectiveness of Water Jetting for Removal of Anomalies
项目名称: Efficient Repair of CIDH Bridge Foundations: Phase 1 - Effectiveness of Water Jetting for Removal of Anomalies
摘要: What is the most efficient and effective means of repairing defects in Bridge Foundation Piles? The first phase of this task specifically investigates water jetting as part of grouting repairs for Cast-in-Drilled Hole (CIDH) Piles. Phase I seeks to answer: How effective is high-pressure water jetting to remove competent concrete, anomalous concrete, and concrete that is contaminated with soil or foreign matter? Bridge Foundations, especially CIDH piles installed under slurry, are highly-loaded critical structural elements constructed under very adverse conditions. Naturally, these elements are very likely to contain defects that necessitate repair in the field. Methods employed for repair are often unverified solutions based upon past practice, and recent investigations has shown that some previously-accepted practices were much less effective in mitigating defects that believed. The question emerges, what methods of repair are both efficient and effective to repair these defects? To answer this question, this research task is conducted in four-phases so that the information gathered in each phase will be rapidly incorporated into practice. The research phases are: Phase-I: Water Jetting of CIDH Pile Anomalies in the Laboratory Phase-II: Effectiveness of Permeation Grouting Method for CIDH Pile Repair Phase-III: Analysis of Innovative (non-grouting) Repair Techniques for CIDH Pile Mitigation Phase-IV: Post-Repair Evaluation Methods Phase I limits itself to answering the first part of this multifaceted question. Since grouting repair is the most common repair method currently, and water jetting is the first step in this process, how effective is water jetting? Future Phases of this project will investigate other aspects of grouting repairs and the effectiveness of other means utilized by the Contractor.
状态: Active
资金: 205999.00
资助组织: California Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Vang, Toua
执行机构: California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
开始时间: 20080616
实际结束时间: 20110401
主题领域: Bridges and other structures;Highways;Maintenance and Preservation