原文传递 Gang- og Sykkelvegnett i Norski Byer. Nytte- Kostnadsanalyser Inkludert Helseeffekter og Eksterne Kostnader av Motorisert Vegtrafikk. (Walking- and Cycling Track Networks in Norwegian Cities. Cost-benefit Analyses Including Health Effects and External Cos
题名: Gang- og Sykkelvegnett i Norski Byer. Nytte- Kostnadsanalyser Inkludert Helseeffekter og Eksterne Kostnader av Motorisert Vegtrafikk. (Walking- and Cycling Track Networks in Norwegian Cities. Cost-benefit Analyses Including Health Effects and External Cos
作者: Saelensminde, K.
关键词: Norway##Walking##Bicycle usage##Cost benefit analysis##Health costs##Air pollution costs##Noise pollution##Transportation planning##Costs##Parking##Benefits##Foreign technology##
摘要: This report presents cost-benefit analyses (CBAs) of walking and cycling track networks in Norwegian cities. For the first time it is included in a CBA that a change from travel by car to cycling and walking means reduced health costs, reduced external cost (e.g. air-pollution and noise) from road traffic and reduced parking costs. The benefit of these cycle track networks is estimated to at least 4-5 times the costs. The results from such 'complete' CBAs gives the possibility to calculate the benefit to society that is not realized because road traffic in Norwegian cities today obstruct people in choosing bicycle and walking as much as they otherwise would have preferred. This non-realized benefit to the society is an estimate of the barrier costs caused by road traffic.
总页数: 58
报告类型: 科技报告