原文传递 Medvirkning og Innflytelse. Samferdselsetatens Handlingsprogram 2002-2011 (Transport Planning: County Level Involvement and Influence)
题名: Medvirkning og Innflytelse. Samferdselsetatens Handlingsprogram 2002-2011 (Transport Planning: County Level Involvement and Influence)
作者: Ravlum, I. A.; Lerstang, T.
关键词: Transport planning##Public transportation##Norway##Counties##Transportation agencies##Transportation policies##Air traffic control##Airport management##Regional planning##Rail transportation##Terminal facilities##Cooperation##Joint planning##Foreign technology##
摘要: Norwegian counties were supposed to participate in the work with the Transport Planning Programs of the four transport agencies. The agencies were supposed to coordinate their work and facilitate joint measures such as junctions, terminals and public transport. The counties did not find the process participatory. Even though, the priorities of the Public Roads Administration and the counties' priorities are in line with each other. This might be due to: (1) the priorities of the counties are consistent over time, (2) the budgets do not give room for new measures, (3) the Public Roads administration and the counties have common interests. Those counties that have developed a comprehensive transport policy also had more influence, independent of how their participation was organized. The transport agencies have not coordinated their work with and have not put emphasis on junctions, terminals or public transport measures. Norwegian Air Traffic and Airport Management have not prioritized the regional co-operation. The National Coastal Administration has participated, but rather passively. The Public Road Administration had the closest relations with the counties, while the National Rail Administration has improved its contacts with the counties during the process.
总页数: 42
报告类型: 科技报告