原文传递 Bus Use of Shoulders. A Synthesis of Transit Practice
题名: Bus Use of Shoulders. A Synthesis of Transit Practice
作者: Martin, P. C.
关键词: Buses##Road shoulders##Synthesis##Case studies##Questionnaires##Site visits##Policies##Regulations##Literature review##Surveys##Data analysis##Data collection##Transit practice##
摘要: This synthesis documents and summarizes transit agencies experiences with policies and regulations that permit buses to use shoulders on arterial roads or freeways to bypass congestion either as interim or long-term treatments. Both the transit and highway perspectives are explored. The purpose is to identify and obtain information and experience about jurisdictions that allow bus use of shoulders and about how jurisdictions have considered, but have not implemented, these treatments and the reasons why. This topic will be of interest to transit agency and highway organization staff responsible for bus use of shoulders. They can use this report to learn from and compare their experiences with the experiences of other agencies. Findings in this report are based on a literature review, surveys of selected transit agencies and roadway jurisdictions, analysis of documentation submitted, as well as interviews and site visits. Case study descriptions were prepared for the following six regions: Minneapolis St. Paul Twin Cities (Minnesota); Falls Church, Virginia; Miami, Florida; San Diego, California; Toronto, Canada; and Dublin, Ireland.
总页数: 100
报告类型: 科技报告