原文传递 Uiikenneturvaliisuustoiminnan laehestymistavat (Approaches to Road Safety Work)
题名: Uiikenneturvaliisuustoiminnan laehestymistavat (Approaches to Road Safety Work)
作者: Roine, M.; Luoma, J.
关键词: Traffic safety work##Road safety work##International analyses##Approaches##Models##Safety programs##Strategic plans##Foreign countries##Paradigms##Finland##Systems theory##Accident theories##
摘要: This study reviewed relevant accident theories and explored the paradigms of traffic safety work, the main focus being on international analysis of the approaches and models of road safety work. The review focused on the strategic plans and safety programmes of the following countries: the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States. The recommendations of the OECD and European Commission were also analysed. An expert workshop was organized to discuss the most promising elements of the above analyses in terms of Finnish traffic safety work. Systems theory is the most frequently used accident theory and it still provides an excellent and necessary basis for the management of traffic safety work. The paradigms of traffic safety work also recognize the management of a complex traffic system as a primary challenge. The leading countries on road safety typically identify a vision, strategy, and safety programme involving specific targets. An ambitious vision and strategy have been defined for the long-term principles, whereas safety programmes usually focus on implementation of specific countermeasures. The main objective is to achieve a traffic system with safe travel. The leading countries have thoroughly investigated the problems and the targets for further effort and investment. To ensure the best results the main objectives have been defined (e.g. based on a decrease of fatalities and injuries) and practical and measurable objectives have been set. Successful traffic safety management includes a strong commitment by political leadership in addition to the commitment of safety experts.
总页数: 66
报告类型: 科技报告