原文传递 Operator Drug- and Alcohol-Testing Across Modes. Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program (CTBSSP) Synthesis 23. Synthesis of Safety Practice
题名: Operator Drug- and Alcohol-Testing Across Modes. Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program (CTBSSP) Synthesis 23. Synthesis of Safety Practice
作者: Fiorentino, D.; Shannahan, R.; Bergoffen, G.
关键词: Safety practices##Human factors##Water transportation##Operators(Personnel)##Education##Transportation safety##Alcohol usage##Drug addiction##Drug usage##Drug abuse##
摘要: The primary objective of this synthesis is to identify the current practices used to deter drug and alcohol use among operators within the U.S.DOTs regulated community. The intended target audience is broad, including DOT staff, various DOT agencies, companies of all sizes in the regulated industries, drug- and alcohol-testing organizations, and the research community. The document begins with a brief history of the transportation workplace drug- and alcohol-testing program, the general approach, the reasons for testing, some of the issues that impact the validity of the tests, and an outline of the specific regulations by mode. Some alcohol- and drug-testing statistics are also presented to give the reader a sense of the scope of the program and of the prevalence of illegal alcohol and drug use among safety-sensitive employees. Next, the findings of inquiries to companies in the regulated community are reported with an emphasis on alternative strategies aimed at deterring illegal alcohol and drug use among employees. Unfortunately, participation on the part of the companies in the regulated community was limited, resulting in a small sample. Moreover, it is possible that the companies that responded to requests for information may not be representative of their entire industry. This is an important caveat.
总页数: 59
报告类型: 科技报告