原文传递 Smart FRP Composite Sandwich Bridge Decks in Cold Region
题名: Smart FRP Composite Sandwich Bridge Decks in Cold Region
作者: Hulsey, J. L.; Qiao, P.; Fan, W.; McLean, D.
关键词: Bridge decks##Cold weather##Sandwich construction##Bridge design##Rapid construction##Research project##Wireless communication systems##Snow and ice control##Structural monitoring##Material Testing##Sandwich bridge decks##Smart honeycomb fiber-reinforced Polymer(S-FRP)##
摘要: What if every time a bridge on a lonely road got icy, it automatically notified the local DOT to begin ice-control safety measures, What if a bridge could tell someone every time an overloaded truck hit the decking, or when the trusses under it began to weaken. This project, a partnership of Washington State University, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Kansas Structural Composites, Inc. takes the first steps to develop, manufacture, test, and implement Smart Honeycomb Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (S-FRP) sandwich materials for transportation projects. This material integrates advanced composite materials with sensors and actuators. So far, researchers have tested an S-FRP sandwich deck panel, evaluated several S-FRP sandwich beams in cold temperatures, and developed effective structural-health monitoring strategies. Dynamic tests of the S-FRP sandwich deck panel with and without damage continue, and structural-health monitoring strategies for cold temperature exposures will be developed. A combined experimental, theoretical, and numerical approach will result in new techniques for structural-health monitoring and damage identification of thick sandwich deck panels. It is anticipated that, with wireless communication technologies, the developed structural-health monitoring strategies will be capable of remotely monitoring and assessing the structural integrity of sandwich bridge decks in cold regions.
总页数: 251
报告类型: 科技报告