摘要: |
he National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) is the source of the nation’s personal travel information and is used by the administration, Congress, national and local policy makers, and transportation planners to study the extent and type of daily travel in the United States. This inventory of travel behavior reflects travel mode (private vehicle, public transportation, pedestrian, and cycling) and trip purpose (travel to work, school, recreation, and personal or family trips) by U.S. household residents. Survey results are used by federal and state agencies to monitor the performance and adequacy of current facilities and infrastructure, and to plan for future needs. Data from the NHTS are included in broader, biannual reports to Congress on the performance of the surface transportation system.The purpose of this e-circular is to summarize the status, approach, and expected content of the new NHTS data for the user community. This introduction to the scale and type of changes is intended to allow agencies, programs, and research groups to prepare for use of the data that is expected to be released in late 2017. This e-circular is the second of a series of e-circulars put out by the Transportation Research Board Task Force on Future Directions for the NHTS. The role of the task force is to serve as a liaison between the NHTS user community and FHWA and provide feedback from the user community to FHWA as they work on the NHTS program. This e-circular is structured as follows. This section focuses on the NHTS data collection process and discusses the redesign of the NHTS, the recruitment of add-on participants, planning for the survey, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) process and the outcome of the expert panel workshops. The second section discusses the sample design, and the third section discusses data collection methods. The fourth section is focused on the questionnaire design and the fifth section discusses the lessons learned from the pretest. This e-circular concludes with a discussion on some ideas for future research. |