Enhanced Defect Detection and Sizing Accuracy Using Matrix Phased Array Ultrasonics Tools
项目名称: Enhanced Defect Detection and Sizing Accuracy Using Matrix Phased Array Ultrasonics Tools
摘要: The objectives of this research project are to: (1) develop a concept for Matrix Phased Array Ultrasonics probes/modules applicable for either outside or inside pipe inspection and carried by different inspection tools, platforms and systems; (2) define and optimize detection and sizing capabilities of the modules via modeling and simulation; (3) design and fabricate two probes/modules --one for outside and one for inside inspection; and (4) determine and demonstrate the detection and sizing performance of the probes/modules
状态: Completed
资金: 679457.00
资助组织: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
项目负责人: Merritt, James
执行机构: Edison Welding Institute
开始时间: 20080501
实际结束时间: 20120110
主题领域: Design;Maintenance and Preservation;Pipelines