原文传递 Review of Airfield Pavement Drainage Guidance.
题名: Review of Airfield Pavement Drainage Guidance.
作者: Hastings, R. L; Quinn, M. C; Bernier, A. P; Rutland, C. A.
摘要: Inadequate drainage conditions may lead to airfield pavement deteriora-tion. A thorough review of existing pavement drainage guidance and litera-ture was necessary to identify key drainage considerations such as surfacedrainage infrastructure, pavement drainage layer thickness, use of geotex-tiles, and performance in freeze–thaw climates. Existing airport drainageguidance is provided by the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), the FederalAviation Administration (FAA), and the Tri-Service Pavements WorkingGroup (TSPWG).Pavement drainage guidance is buried within regulations for pavement de-sign and can, at times, be split awkwardly to accommodate pavement guid-ance that is split between rigid and flexible designs. Most airfieldpavement guidance has been adapted from guidance for highway design.Most guidance is also strength based, with little to no attention paid tomaterial erodibility (a potential cause of pavement deterioration). This re-view also found very little reference to repairing, rather than completelyreplacing, damaged subsurface drainage layers. Further research is neededto assess the use of geofabrics and moisture in freeze–thaw conditions ondrainage layers and surface structures. With further research, the retrofitand repair of existing subpavement systems might become a more eco-nomical solution to drainage-caused pavement deterioration issues thancomplete reconstruction.
总页数: 39 pages