原文传递 Standard Operating Procedures for Open-Air Solid Waste Burning in Contingency Locations.
题名: Standard Operating Procedures for Open-Air Solid Waste Burning in Contingency Locations.
作者: Urban, A. B; Wallingford, I. E; Cosper, S. D; Rice, A. M; Wolf, W. K; Anderson, H. G; Wolford, M; Gemeinhardt, ,. C. A; Stokes, D. W.
摘要: Service engineer doctrine and field manuals, such as Army TechniquesPublication 3-34.40, Technical Manual 5-634, and Army Regulation 420-1,offer guidance on solid waste management but do not provide the level ofdetail and practical guidance for open-air burning of solid waste to reducerisk to the Warfighter.Studies have shown that there could be ill health effects to servicemembers from exposure to toxins from open-air burning. Further practicalguidance is necessary to ensure that if there are no other means availablefor solid waste disposal, the risks associated with open-air burning areminimized as much as possible during contingency operations.Commands have limited resources and reduced personnel available tostudy which open-air burning procedures are optimal based on readinessand mission requirements. Planning for efficiency and risk avoidance inopen-air burning operations includes several facets (e.g., site planning,processing, and recordkeeping considerations). This special reportprovides operational guidance to minimize risk of open-air burning forthe Warfighter and other joint service personnel, particularly when thereis no other alternative to open-air burning, during initial phase operatinga burn pit or for waste management planning to establish standardoperating procedures.
总页数: 73 pages