原文传递 Ship-Induced Waves at Tybee Island, Georgia.
题名: Ship-Induced Waves at Tybee Island, Georgia.
作者: Bain, R. L; Styles, R; Lopes, J. M.
摘要: Commercial vessels transiting the Savannah entrance channelintermittently generate large wake events at Tybee Island, Georgia,creating a potential hazard for beachgoers. However, not all commercialvessels generate large wakes, and the relationship between vesseldimensions, operating conditions, wake height, and drawdown magnitudeis unclear. This study evaluates bathymetric data, high-frequency waveand vessel wake measurements, and broadcast vessel identification over a4-month period with the goal of providing a quantitative characterizationof vessel wake conditions at Tybee Island. Data from 1,386 cargo vesselpassages and 202 tanker passages indicate that vessel dimensions (lengthand beam) are positively correlated with drawdown magnitude andsecondary wake height, although large vessels do not consistently generatelarge wakes. Container ships, which tended to travel faster than tankers,corresponded to the largest wakes in the dataset. A further hypothesis isthat tidally modulated energy dissipation may favor smaller vessel wakeuprush at low tide and larger uprush at high tide, but this idea cannot beconfirmed without additional measurements to quantify nonlinear wavepropagation on the beach face. Based on the collected data, the studyconcludes with four recommendations for reducing risk to beachgoers.
总页数: 90 pages