摘要: |
The purpose of this research was twofold: first, to detail a rift between how Air MobilityCommand (AMC), as the air component to U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM),conducts command and control (C2) in today’s relatively permissive environment and how C2may need to be conducted in a contested environment against a peer-adversary; and second, toprescribe a method of communication suited for degraded communication in a contestedenvironment.Developed and refined during a period of global freedom of maneuver – a time where theUnited States military enjoyed the ability to move and communicate how and when it wanted –today’s C2 structure is heavily reliant on centralized command, centralized operations, anddecentralized execution. The primary and secondary means of communication are further relianton synchronous communication – and thus an uninterrupted line of communication. Peer andnear-peer adversaries possess the ability to disrupt communication placing both operational andtactical C2 at risk.Tactical C2 – data collection, analysis, and decision cycle at the forward edge ofexecution – was analyzed for the 2021 airlift of U.S. citizens, allies, and vulnerable Afghans aspart of the largest Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) in United States history.Analysis showed that a resilient, distributed, and device-agnostic system capable of protectedcommunication both across and off the Air Force Network (AFNet) provided critical pathways ina dynamic, yet still permissive, communication environment. Furthermore, the ability tocommunicate synchronously and asynchronously, at the discretion and ability of end-users,within a single system has value well beyond just synchronous communication. |