Separation of Vehicles - CMV Only Lanes
项目名称: Separation of Vehicles - CMV Only Lanes
摘要: The objectives of this research project are to (1) examine the various performance characteristics of a commercial motor vehilce (CMV) -only lane application within a highway (e.g., reduced congestion, accident reduction, etc.); (2) examine relative items such as cost variables, aspects of reduced and/or increased pavement wear; (3) examine/explore modeling scenarios which have been completed by others; (4) examine/explore the benefits to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies that are being used by various states [i.e., Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) readers, Driver-less Vehicle Systems (DVS), Electronic Traffic Control and Monitoring (ETCM) system as well as other systems]; (5) examine/review the feasibility of increased size and weight standards on CMV only lanes; and (6) prepare a report of pertinent data and findings that includes economic implications, transportation performance, safety benefits, and other impacts associated with the application of CMV-only lanes. The projected increase in traffic and specifically commercial vehicle traffic on the highways nationwide makes this study critically important for future highway design and planning. As highway engineers and transportation officials across the nation struggle to resolve traffic congestion, as well as other issues involving the movement of vehicles on our highways, it becomes vitally important that all avenues are explored.
状态: Completed
资金: 150000.00
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration<==>American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO)<==>National Cooperative Highway Research Program
项目负责人: Rogers, William C
执行机构: Cambridge Systematics, Incorporated
开始时间: 20071227
实际结束时间: 20090626
主题领域: Freight Transportation;Highways;Operations and Traffic Management;Vehicles and Equipment;I30: Materials