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原文传递 東北地方太平洋沖地震にぉける東京の地下鉄の健全性に関する検討
题名: 東北地方太平洋沖地震にぉける東京の地下鉄の健全性に関する検討
正文语种: 中文
作者: 松林香純 松原大祐 清水幸範 丸山茂 小泉淳
作者单位: 早稲田大学大学院創造理工学研究科 パシフィックコンサルタンッ株式会社 鉄道部 東京地下鉄株式会社鉄道本部 早稲田大学理工学術院 4
关键词: Tohoku Earthquake Tokyo Subway Acceleration waveform Simulated seismic movement Soundness
摘要:   The Tohoku Earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale, the greatest event in the history in Japan, was occurred on March, 2011.This research is based on the acceleration data of this earthquake observed in the shield tunnel of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line between Kiba station and Toyocho station.From the observed acceleration data, the action of the underground railway in Tokyo by the earthquake is clarified.Simulated seismic waves are created analytically from the surrounding soil conditions and acceleration data of the shield tunnel.From simulated seismic waves, the behavior of the shield tunnel is analyzed and the obtained data is compared with a measurement.Stress behavior is determined and then the soundness of the shield tunnel in Tokyo is confirmed when the Tohoku Earthquake was occurred.
会议日期: 201309
会议举办地点: 西安
会议名称: 第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会
出版日期: 2013-08-31
母体文献: 第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会论文集