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原文传递 シ-ルド工法にょり構築された通信用とぅ道の維持·補修に関する実驗的研究
题名: シ-ルド工法にょり構築された通信用とぅ道の維持·補修に関する実驗的研究
正文语种: 中文
作者: 平澤遼 星野隼人 須藤禎一 小泉淳
作者单位: 早稲田大学大学院創造理工学研究科 日本電信電話株式会社 ァクセスサ-どスシステム研究所 早稲田大学理工学術院
关键词: shield tunnel maintenance additional strength lining corrosion
摘要:   The current understanding is that aged deterioration poses a serious problem in the most of all communication cable tunnels that take an important role in information-oriented society.However, it remains to be elucidated how to evaluate soundness of tunnel appropriately in the limited funds and time.To establish the evaluation method, here we study structural performance of the tunnel itself and whether tunnel which a crack and corrosion generated can bear the purpose of use.Seven experiments with a 1/2 scale models and numerical analyses were conducted, and the validity of an analysis model and the effect of the reinforcement construction method were investigated.The results of the study show the indicator of the maintenance management technique over the communication cable tunnels of various states.
会议日期: 201309
会议举办地点: 西安
会议名称: 第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会
出版日期: 2013-08-31
母体文献: 第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会论文集
分类号: TP3 TN9