Innovative Operational UAV Integration
项目名称: Innovative Operational UAV Integration
摘要: The driving force behind creating the INOUI project stems from the fact that no ongoing European ATM project focuses on the crucial matter of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Regardless of the fact that there are many drones in the skies, albeit either at a very low altitude or in segregated airspace due to their mostly military nature, integration in the non-restricted airspace is not happening. In particular, the topic of UAV is almost totally absent from SESAR (Single European Sky Air traffic management Research) and its high-level Definition Phase (Phase I). INOUI aims at complementing SESAR to compensate for this. The main objective of the INOUI project is to provide a roadmap for the future of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the context of the ever-changing Air Traffic Management (ATM) environment. Furthermore, INOUI aims at complementing the SESAR activities with regard to the operational concept and the architecture, as well as the roadmap for research and development activities. In particular, INOUI aims to: (1) identify the spread of operational concepts for UAV applications and describe the resulting procedures and requirements in the different timeframes up to 2020; (2) identify how UAVs can fit into the ATM system of 2020 and what activities have to be achieved, especially from the UAV point of view (research road-map); (3) identify existing certification requirements, and process and suggest an optimum certification blueprint for human resources and, as far as is required, UAV-related technologies; (4) identify how UAV can benefit from SWIM and what activities have to be taken to achieve the benefit; (5) identify the safety issues related to UAVs and developing high-level safety objectives and requirements; and (6) identify the potential airport types for UAV operations and describing the operational impact.
状态: Active
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Aeronautics and Space - Priority Thematic Area 4 (PTA4)
项目负责人: Baumann, Achim
开始时间: 20070301
实际结束时间: 20090331
主题领域: Aviation;Operations and Traffic Management