Changi East Depot Project, East Region
国家和地区: Singapore
项目名称: Changi East Depot Project, East Region
领域: Metro
项目类型: Rail Yard/Maintenance Centre
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): -
规模: 570000
规模单位: m2
参加单位: China Jingye Construction Engineering (Singapore) Pte Ltd[Construction]{Singapore},ARCADIS[Consultant/Project Management]{Netherlands},Singapore Land Transport Authority[Sponsor]{Singapore}
项目状态: At planning stage
开始时间: -
结束时间: 2030
项目说明: July 2021 - Arcadis has been awarded to deliver environmental specialist services; May 2021 - LTA has awarded a SGD1.05bn (USD793.9mn) civil works contract to China Jingye Engineering Corporation to design and build the Changi East Depot; New depot, covering an area of around 57 ha, will be situated near Changi Exhibition Centre; Changi East Depot will offer maintenance and stabling amenities for nearly 70 CRL trains and it will also accommodate the Operations Control Centre; [B&R]