摘要: |
The emphasis of the HSM will be on the development of quantitative tools. Quantitative tools for the HSM have been developed for two-lane highways by the FHWA, for use in its Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). It is being considered for use in the HSM, along with modifications of that methodology. Efforts are underway to develop quantitative tools for urban and suburban arterials in NCHRP Project 17-26 and for rural multilane highways in NCHRP Project 17-29. These are intended to constitute Part III of the HSM. In addition to the quantitative tools, Part I of the HSM will introduce the Manual and provide an overview of its functions and applications, as well as present some fundamentals of highway safety for the user. Part II will present a summary of knowledge regarding safety affects of various aspects of roadway design and operation, in a form that users can readily apply to their work. Part IV will describe effective techniques for safety management of a roadway system and Part V will present state-of-the-art approaches to evaluation of the safety effectiveness of implemented projects. HSM Parts I and II are being developed in NCHRP Project 17-27 and HSM Parts IV and V are being developed in NCHRP Project 17-34. NCHRP Project 17-36 will assemble these materials and develop the first edition of the HSM in final form for publication. While the resources to complete and publish the HSM are now in place, an important effort is needed to assure that the HSM is effectively implemented. This will require guidance for highway-agency management on the appropriate application of the HSM, as well as training for engineers and planners on using the HSM. The HSM will provide a major opportunity for advancing the state of practice of highway safety. However, that opportunity will only be fully realized if potential users receive training in the application of the HSM to practical problem solving. The proposed project will develop the needed training materials, design a training course that uses those materials, and recommend a training plan to be coordinated with the release of the first edition of the HSM. |