Luanda Airport Railway Link, Baia - Airport
国家和地区: Angola
项目名称: Luanda Airport Railway Link, Baia - Airport
领域: Mainline
项目类型: -
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): 160
规模: 17.4
规模单位: km
参加单位: China Hyway Group[Construction]{Hong Kong},Angola Ministry of Transport[Sponsor]{Angola},A1V2 – Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura Lda[Consultant/Project Management]{Portugal}
项目状态: At planning stage
开始时间: -
结束时间: -
项目说明: September 2021 - Planning underway; August 2019 - Plans are underway to establish a new rail link to the new airport from Luanda; Line will have 6 new multifunctional railway stations and will run from Baia station to new Luanda International Airport; [B&R]