Thomson - East Coast MRT Line, Maxwell Station
国家和地区: Singapore
项目名称: Thomson - East Coast MRT Line, Maxwell Station
领域: Metro
项目类型: Station
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): -
规模: -
规模单位: -
参加单位: Singapore Land Transport Authority[Sponsor]{Singapore},Hock Lian Seng Infrastructure[Construction]{Singapore},Hock Lian Seng Infrastructure[Construction]{Singapore}
项目状态: Under construction
开始时间: 2015
结束时间: 2021
项目说明: May 2021 - Construction underway; March 2021 - Project is expected to be completed by end of 2021; April 2015 - Ground-breaking ceremony held; April 2014 - Construction contract worth SGD222mn (USD177mn) awarded to Hock Lian Seng Infrastructure Pte Ltd; Project is part of 30km Thomson Underground Section of 43 km Thomson - East Coast MRT Line costing SGD24bn (USD17.88bn)
发布时间: 2015