Haldia Multi-Modal Terminal, River Ganges, West Bengal
国家和地区: India
项目名称: Haldia Multi-Modal Terminal, River Ganges, West Bengal
领域: New Port
项目类型: Dry Bulk
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): 80
规模: 3180
规模单位: thousand tonne
参加单位: ITD Cementation India[Construction]{India},Inland Waterways Authority of India[Sponsor]{India},World Bank[Financier]{United States}
项目状态: Under construction
开始时间: 2020
结束时间: 2021
项目说明: February 2021 - Project is scheduled to be completed this year; July 2017 - Inland Waterway Authority of India (IWAI) awarded construction contract to ITD Cementation India Ltd; Terminal will be used to transport coal, fly ash, chemicals, petroleum and gas, construction materials, fertilizers and edible items; Project is part of Jal Marg Vikas Project; Project cost - INR5.17bn
发布时间: 2020