Integration of Structural Health Monitoring into Mulitlayer Statewide Bridge Maintenance and Management Practices
项目名称: Integration of Structural Health Monitoring into Mulitlayer Statewide Bridge Maintenance and Management Practices
摘要: For this project, the researchers developed a new structural health monitoring–facilitated condition-based management (SHM-CBM) maintenance prioritization system. This system represents an important step toward more widely integrating SHM into practice. The kernel of the proposed SHM-CBM system is establishing a ranking index for each bridge in a particular inventory that establishes a maintenance funding priority for each bridge. A higher ranking index value indicates a lower maintenance funding priority. The ranking index is computed using both National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and SHM data, as well as user inputs. A case study of the I-80 Sugar Creek Bridge showed that replacement could be postponed by up to 37 years using SHM-CBM because the condition of the bridge was determined to be better than what was previously assumed. This potential extension of service life in combination with expected maintenance, repair, and monitoring costs were used in a cost-benefit analysis that showed SHM system implementation is financially justifiable. The SHM-CBM approach has the following advantages over current decision-making approaches: Continuous and near-real-time SHM data are used in decision making Wide range of quantitative data can be gathered using SHM (e.g., strain and temperature, chloride infiltration, tilt, and corrosion) Reduced uncertainty regarding structural performance Elimination or reduction of over-maintenance and deterioration or failure due to a lack of information about a bridge’s true condition
状态: Completed
资金: 129197.00
资助组织: Midwest Transportation Center<==>Department of Transportation<==>Iowa Department of Transportation
执行机构: Iowa State University
开始时间: 20140901
预计完成日期: 20180930
主题领域: Bridges and other structures;Data and Information Technology;Highways;Maintenance and Preservation