Spine (Bohicon - Parakou) Road Rehabilitation Project
国家和地区: Benin
项目名称: Spine (Bohicon - Parakou) Road Rehabilitation Project
领域: Road
项目类型: Upgrade/Maintenance
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): -
规模: 183.5
规模单位: km
参加单位: UK Export Finance[Financier]{United Kingdom},Government of Benin[Sponsor]{Benin},SOGEA-SATOM[Construction]{France}
项目状态: Project finance closure
开始时间: -
结束时间: -
项目说明: June 2020 - UKEF has provided a loan of more than GBP100mn (USD125.3mn) to the government of Benin for the development of project; Project includes rehabilitating of 114 miles road between Bohicon and Parakou called Project Spine, the road will run through the middle of Benin and connect it with its neighboring country Niger