New Yalu River Bridge, China - North Korea
国家和地区: North Korea
项目名称: New Yalu River Bridge, China - North Korea
领域: Highway/Motorway
项目类型: Bridge
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): -
规模: -
规模单位: -
参加单位: Government of North Korea[Sponsor]{North Korea},Government of China[Sponsor]{China}
项目状态: Completed
开始时间: 2011
结束时间: 2014
项目说明: July 2019 - Bridge was completed in 2014 and construction was started in 2011; After its completion, North Korea asked China to bear the construction costs of related facilities and since then, the bridge remained as it is without being opened to traffic; Total Project cost - USD360mn; Total Length - 3.026 km
发布时间: 2011