MDOT I-75 Ambassador Bridge Gateway Project, Detroit, Michigan
国家和地区: United States
项目名称: MDOT I-75 Ambassador Bridge Gateway Project, Detroit, Michigan
领域: Highway/Motorway
项目类型: Upgrade/Maintenance
项目性质: Public
项目经费 (USD Millions): 230
规模: -
规模单位: -
参加单位: Michigan Department of Transportation[Sponsor]{United States},The Detroit International Bridge Co Inc.[Sponsor]{United States}
项目状态: Completed
开始时间: 2004
结束时间: 2012
项目说明: November 2012 - Project fully completed; Ramps were completed in 2009, but disputes between the Detroit International Bridge Company (DIBC) and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), resulted in court action, held up final construction of an interior bridge plaza road connecting the ramps to the bridge itself
发布时间: 2004