Piramides - Texcoco Highway Project, Mexico [id=24300]
国家和地区: Mexico
项目名称: Piramides - Texcoco Highway Project, Mexico [id=24300]
领域: Highway/Motorway
项目类型: -
项目性质: public
项目经费 (USD Millions): 135
规模: 17
规模单位: km
参加单位: Grupo CIPSA[Construction]{Mexico},Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV[Construction]{Mexico},Secretariat of Communications and Transportation[Sponsor]{Mexico}
项目状态: Under construction
开始时间: 2014
结束时间: -
项目说明: October 2020 - Construction underway; January 2016 - First section (5 km) opened; Project is being built in 2 sections with section I costing MXN650mn (USD37mn) and section II costing MXN1700mn (USD98mn); Project cost - MXN2.35bn
发布时间: 2014