National Route 257, Route 32 - Moin Container Terminal, Limon [id=25545]
国家和地区: Costa Rica
项目名称: National Route 257, Route 32 - Moin Container Terminal, Limon [id=25545]
领域: Highway/Motorway
项目类型: -
项目性质: public
项目经费 (USD Millions): 77
规模: 2.30
规模单位: km
参加单位: Puentes y Calzadas Infraestructura SLU[Construction]{Spain},Constructora Meco[Construction]{Costa Rica},Government of Costa Rica[Sponsor]{Costa Rica}
项目状态: Completed
开始时间: -
结束时间: 2018
项目说明: June 2018 - Project completed; Project involves construction of four-lane road along with bicycle lanes, pedestrian runway and respective safety barriers