摘要: |
With the large increase of traffic volume and weight in both the Fayetteville shale and Brown Dense shale areas, many of the state roads in these areas are deteriorating at an unprecedented rate. This causes significant problems from both a safety and vehicle life perspective for both the local residents and industry moving heavy equipment and supplies in and out of the area. A potential rehabilitation option for these roads that has not been fully explored is Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR). FDR is a popular technique that mills a combination of an asphalt concrete surface course with a portion of the base or subbase course (at a total depth of approximately eight inches) and mixes it with a stabilizing agent. There are three primary types of stabilizing agents: Portland cement, asphalt emulsion, and asphalt foam. After the reclamation process, the structural capacity of the road is increased, allowing for heavier and more frequent traffic to utilize the roadway safely. |