摘要: |
The purpose of the WRI field operational test (FOT) was to develop and test a system that could identify commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and potential registration, hours-of–service, and licensing compliance or safety violations that may have existed. A wireless inspection report would be sent to inspectors to enhance their ability to identify noncompliant CMVs. During the testing, FMCSA gathered data on certain violation areas from the participating carrier’s commercial vehicles during the 1-year data collection effort of the FOT.
Beyond creating a system that provided an accurate and timely inspection report to the roadside, this research was to support the Agency’s understanding of the following five areas:
Question 1: Did the Agency’s databases have the capacity to process potentially large amounts of data if the system had been deployed nationally through State/Private partnerships?
A replicate system of these databases was created during the testing and FMCSA attempted to process an amount of data that was commensurate to that of a national system to determine this.
Question 2: Did FMCSA have the capacity to ensure security and privacy protections?
The WRI processing system was developed to be installed in the Agency’s Portal environment. Because the Portal had been certified to meet the requirements of the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), FMCSA assured that, if deployed as a production system, all transmittal of data would meet security and privacy requirements.
Question 3: Did the information captured meet the regulatory sufficiency for compliance verification?
The roadside data gathered during the electronic inspection research were reviewed to assure the specific regulatory sections cited in the table above met legal sufficiency. Federal, State, and Industry partners were consulted throughout this process.
Question 4: What credit would have been provided to a carrier’s safety score for a compliant wireless inspection?
This project would have informed a public process through notice and comment, as a means to determine what level of credit should have been given for compliant inspections.
Question 5: How would a WRI process have been institutionalized throughout the States?
FMCSA would have worked publicly and in conjunction with CVSA to develop a nationally recognized electronic inspection program. |