摘要: |
During a research project previously funded by Mid-America Transportation Center ( MATC), a simple and economical test using a martini shaker for ice melting capacity evaluation showed good potential in becoming a standardized test. The development of the shaker test was prompted by the inconsistent results from the SHRP ice melting capacity test. Further, there is a general interest within the winter maintenance community (e.g., Clear Roads and TRB Committee AHD65) to further develop the shaker test into a deicing chemicals test protocol. A number of parameters of the testing procedure need to be precisely specified to ensure repeatability and consistency, and then expanded to cover common weather and roadway conditions. The automated vehicle location (AVL) and the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) systems installed on some of the plow trucks by the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) worked very well the first time in winter 2010 at recording vehicle locations and weather data. However, some essential data regarding the deicer type, application rate of deicer, and dispensing equipment used during an event were incomplete. The MDSS information and field data are crucial for correlation analyses with shaker test data. The information gathered from winters 2010 through 2012 from this project will provide an adequate database with statistical significance for correlation studies. The findings will be used to develop guidelines for efficient winter roadways maintenance operations involving the use of deicing chemicals. Guidelines for best practices under various weather and roadway conditions will improve snow removal operations and to provide adequate level of service and safety to the general public on the U.S. surface transportation system. |