Port Electrification and Pilot Demonstration
项目名称: Port Electrification and Pilot Demonstration
摘要: The Maritime Administration has made a commitment over the past few years to research and promote the reduction of port air emissions through the use of alternative energy sources. In FY08, the Maritime Administration funded the Port of New Bedford Shorepower Feasibility Study. Building on the success of that study and other work, the Maritime Administration proposes partnering other government agencies, ports, and industry organizations to identify the feasibility of large-scale port electrification and thus a reduction on diesel-powered port equipment. Coupled with this analysis would be a local port electrification pilot project. Supports the MAR-410 Strategic Plan by continuing to promote environmental sustainability and reduce emissions and the dependence on traditional energy sources.
状态: Active
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Maritime Administration
项目负责人: Junemann, C
开始时间: 20120510
主题领域: Energy;Environment;Marine Transportation;I15: Environment