Midwest Freight
项目名称: Midwest Freight
摘要: The National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE) will capitalize on its resources to conduct advanced and applied research that impacts the multimodal movement of freight. Making freight transportation systems work for economic competitiveness should not happen at the expense of livability. The center has distilled its ideas for projects into a theme: Making Multimodal Freight Systems Work for Economic Recovery and Quality of Life. CFIRE's multidisciplinary and multi-scale approach recognizes interacting economic, social, and technical factors, and environmental and regulatory constraints, which influence the function of freight transportation and allied systems. In summary, CFIRE's significant contributions have two outcomes: Desired outcomes impacting applied measurement include: (1) a better routing tool for hazardous materials shipments; (2) guidance for using advanced technologies to improve livability of freight-centric communities; (3) methods for using non-destructive technologies for safety, maintenance, and cost allocation; (4) a new methodology for processing vessel data in real-time; and (5) identification of transportation infrastructure most at risk in a climate-change scenario. Desired outcomes influencing Institutional and Organizational Design include: (1) strategies for realigning multimodal freight networks in response to international capacity expansion; (2) strategies for revitalizing rural economies with shortline rail access; (3) identification of transportation barriers and opportunities for delivery of local food; and (4) the creation of a market for beneficial reuse of waterway dredging materials.
状态: Completed
资金: 800000
资助组织: Illinois Department of Transportation<==>Wisconsin Department of Transportation<==>Tennessee Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Hanus, Lynn
开始时间: 20120000
实际结束时间: 20160829
主题领域: Freight Transportation;Operations and Traffic Management;Railroads