摘要: |
Currently, the anticipated climate change impacts to and from Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA) multimodal transportation infrastructure is unknown. Impacts to the transportation infrastructure will require adaptation strategies to minimize or negate climate change impacts, such as road relocation, road reclassification, property acquisition, pavement structure modifications, drainage structure enhancements, shoreline modifications, construction of protective structures, etc. Such adaptation or mitigation work must comply with laws to ensure that the resources under Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Park Service (NPS) stewardship are not negatively impacted as a result of management actions regarding climate change. Undertakings to adapt to climate change impacts on transportation infrastructure or to mitigate the effects of carbon may affect or impact the resources on Federal lands, be they historic components of transportation networks or resources that lie in the path of proposed enhancements or modifications. It is anticipated that this project will provide important resources - that may also potentially leverage Federal-Aid funding-for state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) that would like to integrate climate change considerations into their long range transportation plans. |