Update Precipitation Frequency Estimates for Louisiana (NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 14)
项目名称: Update Precipitation Frequency Estimates for Louisiana (NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 14)
摘要: The purpose of this project is to update precipitation frequency estimates for Louisiana that are published in NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 9. Like previous NOAA Atlas 14 volumes, the estimates and associated bounds of 90% confidence intervals will be provided at 30 arc-sec resolution for durations of 5-minute through 60-day at average recurrence intervals (ARIs) of 1-year through 1,000-year. The study results will be published as NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 14, a wholly web based publication available at Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS). The publication will include the artifacts provided in previous NOAA Atlas 14 Volumes, including access through the PFDS, base grids in standard formats together with error estimates, electronic copies of maps, charts of seasonal distributions and probabilistic temporal distributions of heavy precipitation, and detailed documentation. Updated areal reduction factors, which are needed to calculate analogous areal precipitation frequency estimates, will not be developed as a part of this project.
状态: Programmed
资金: 430000
资助组织: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
项目负责人: Nurmi, Cynthia
开始时间: 20211012
主题领域: Environment;Transportation (General)