摘要: |
To support coordinated development of transportation libraries, as well as research organizations without dedicated libraries, the following objectives will be undertaken. These objectives will be accomplished through member activities and partnerships with professional groups such as the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee (LIST), the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Transportation Division, and the National Transportation Knowledge Network (NTKN). Completed projects will be stored permanently at the NTKN and the National Transportation Library (NTL) for public use and will be completed within the three-year span of the pooled fund study. The specific objectives are listed below: (1) Develop a toolkit of recommendations and best practices for transportation research organizations that do not have a transportation librarian. (2) Partner with the NTKN to analyze effectiveness of libguides, identify gaps in coverage, and survey the needs of DOTs. (3) Develop a white paper analyzing the current condition of transportation information infrastructure, including review of pertinent knowledge management resources. (4) Develop a cooperative digitization project among members, in partnership with the NTL, to convert copies of older materials to digital formats, as well as providing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance support for digital documents. (5) Enhance communication between group members (hold annual pooled fund meeting in conjunction with the AASHTO RAC conference). |