Exploring the Safety Impact of Rumble Strips on Prevention of Lane Departure Crashes in Maine
项目名称: Exploring the Safety Impact of Rumble Strips on Prevention of Lane Departure Crashes in Maine
摘要: Enhancing safety of roadway segments is a critical step towards maintaining durable transportation infrastructures. Due to significant costs associated with construction of roadway segments, redesigning or rebuilding a roadway segment is not always a viable solution for safety improvement. Low-cost safety countermeasures are effective tools to enhance safety while diminishing reconstruction costs. Among all traffic collisions, the lane departure crashes continue to be the leading type of serious traffic accidents in Maine, comprising 70% of state-wide traffic fatalities. Installations of shoulder and centerline rumble strips have been a primary countermeasure to prevent lane departure crashes in Maine. With an increase in installations of rumble strips, there is a clear DOT need to understand the impact of rumble strips in reducing lane departure crashes in Maine in different conditions. This project will employ Empirical Bayes (EB) observational before-after study (and/or other statistical tools when appropriate) to explore the effectiveness of rumble strips in Maine. The evaluation will investigate the impact of both centerline and shoulder rumble strips on reducing the frequency and severity (Fatal, Injury and PDO) of lane departure crashes (e.g.: run-off the road and head-on collisions) for select roadways (e.g.: rural two lane roads) under different conditions. This analysis will also use benefit-cost analysis to explore the economic benefits of using rumble strips.
状态: Active
资金: 100000
资助组织: Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center<==>University of Maine, Orono<==>Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology<==>Maine Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Dunn, Denise E
执行机构: Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center<==>University of Maine, Orono
开始时间: 20211001
预计完成日期: 20230331
主题领域: Highways;Operations and Traffic Management;Safety and Human Factors