Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways. Task 404. Reevaluation of the Side Friction Values used to Determine Horizontal Curve Radii Using Crash Data
Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways. Task 404. Reevaluation of the Side Friction Values used to Determine Horizontal Curve Radii Using Crash Data
The AASHTO Special Committee on Wireless Communications Technology recently reorganized to better address the challenges facing members in wireless communications and spectrum management.
The work of the committee is expanding to address the need for integrated communications systems and to facilitate education on emerging issues associated with Connected Vehicle (CV), Autonomous Vehicle (AV), spectrum management, and cybersecurity for ITS equipment. There is a strong need to formalize an ongoing program to address current communications issues and support emerging needs.
The SCOWCT committee is organized into four Technical Working Groups (TWGs): Legacy Programs; Spectrum Management; Cybersecurity; and Future and Emerging Technology. The activities and expertise of these TWGs will be leveraged to support the critical research and development of a technical framework as proposed in this project.
The project will conduct research and engagement efforts to create a technical framework for addressing ongoing transportation telecommunications issues and emerging needs through a new program facilitated by AASHTO National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCE).
National Cooperative Highway Research Program<==>American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)<==>Federal Highway Administration