摘要: |
Cities in the United States have been experiencing a significant increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities, even as the increased intensity of pedestrian movement. Thus, there is a critical need for accurate, reliable, and comprehensive information about pedestrian travel movements to support planning, design, and management of pedestrian infrastructure as part of a larger regional surface transportation system. In this project, the research team will undertake a comprehensive literature review on the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice of automated pedestrian detection techniques. Additional insights shall be solicited from nationwide surveys and interviews. The outcome is an assessment of the different automated data collection methods, including well established and emerging artificial intelligence (AI)- and sensor-based technologies, to evaluate their appropriateness and efficacy in different environments and for supporting data collection and usage efforts. In addition to generating a research report, the research team will provide TxDOT with a decision support system that compiles information gathered through the literature review, survey, interviews, and trainings while integrating economic analyses. The practical support tool shall be structured to directly and seamlessly feed into TxDOT’s strategic planning and design efforts and enhance current operations. |