Determine Feasibility and Methodologies of Using Structural Data From Traffic Speed Deflection Devices in Network-Level Treatment Decision Making
Determine Feasibility and Methodologies of Using Structural Data From Traffic Speed Deflection Devices in Network-Level Treatment Decision Making
Traffic Speed Deflection Devices (TSDD) non-destructively measure structural condition while traveling at traffic speeds. Advancements in TSDD’s have enabled these evaluations to be made with the benefit of reducing safety hazards associated with traditional stop and go Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) devices. TxDOT is an active participant in the Transportation Pooled Fund TPF-5(385) “Pavement Structural Evaluation with Traffic Speed Deflection Devices”. As a participant, TxDOT has collected more than 1000 miles of TSDD data in several TxDOT Districts and is expected to continue to collect TSDD data for the next three (3) years. Recent interest from TxDOT Districts on using continuous structural data in network level treatment decisions has necessitated the need to verify TSDD measurements and provide guidelines and analysis methodologies to implement structural condition data for both network and project level pavement management applications. Incorporating a structural condition index into network level decisions has been a goal of TxDOT for over 30 years with the objective of providing TxDOT Districts a comprehensive integrated assessment of both visual and structural condition. Use of this tool shall provide TxDOT Districts with what level of pavement rehabilitation treatment is required as they develop their 4-year plans.