摘要: |
The City of San José has an ongoing investment in bike system started with Bike Plan 2020; the old citywide bike plan, which was adopted by city council in 2009. The Bike Plan 2020 called for completing a 400-mile on-street network of bike lanes and bike routes. This network was completed in 2020 and thus the plan has been retired. Better Bike Plan 2025; city's new citywide bike plan, was adopted by city council in October 2020 to replaces the old Bike Plan 2020 and calls for completing a 557-mile network of all-ages-and-abilities bikeways, which consist mainly of Separated Bikeways and Bike Boulevards.
This 557-mile network includes 400 miles existing/completed from the old plan (253 of these existing miles will be enhanced to become all-ages-and-abilities bikeways plus 157 miles of planned/new bikeways, all of which will be all-ages-and-abilities bikeways), and Better Bikeway SJ Project which is a 2018-2020 "quick-build" project to build an all-ages-and-abilities bike network in the downtown area (not citywide) including an 18-mile downtown project which is now essentially complete. The SJC Bikeway Equity Web map is an interactive web map which assesses and visualizes how equitable the SJC bikeway infrastructure is distributed across the city. Using the MDSS data in conjunction with socioeconomic datasets provided through Census, this web map provides a platform for the spatial analysis and visualization of the equity aspects of the bikeway. |