Development of a Crashworthy Tangent End Treatment for Low Speed Curbed Roadways
项目名称: Development of a Crashworthy Tangent End Treatment for Low Speed Curbed Roadways
摘要: With the increasing interest in multimodal transportation, the demand for appropriate barrier solutions to address roadside safety issues in low-speed urban and suburban conditions has increased. These environments often have closely spaced intersections/driveways, improvements intended to encourage bicycle and pedestrian travel, physical limitations to the available lateral offset, and commonly involve curbed roadways sections. Because of the physical space limitations, barriers have been installed without a crashworthy end treatment (e.g., sloped end treatments on concrete barrier). Systems that have not been evaluated for use in combination with curbs (e.g., crash cushions) and/or those that involve compromises with respect to length of need (i.e., use of gating hardware) have also been installed. Because barriers in these locations are normally installed in combination with curbing, terminals commonly cannot be flared to avoid conflicts with adjacent pedestrian or bicycle accommodations. As a result of these constraints, a viable end treatment for barriers in these environments—whether for new construction or retrofits of existing barriers—should minimize: (1) Length—to allow for installations along roadways with longitudinal constraints (i.e., discontinuities for intersections, driveways, predestination crossings, etc.). (2) Width—to reduce impacts on infrastructure and adjacent pedestrian pathways. (3) Height—to reduce impacts on sight distance and allow for use with low profile barriers, guardrail, and typical concrete barriers/bridge traffic railings shapes. The objective of the research is to develop an AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) TL-2 Tangent End Treatment that minimizes the required length, width, and height of the system, and can be used in common conditions found in urban and suburban areas—specifically in combination with 6” vertical curb (minimum height)—and that can be transitioned into either TL-2 low profile, TL-3 F-shape concrete, and semi-rigid w-beam barrier systems. The end treatment should be evaluated using a combination of ISPEs, computer simulation, and full-scale crash testing. The final product will be non-proprietary system drawings and specifications that will allow for component manufacturing and installation.
状态: Proposed
资金: 750000
资助组织: National Cooperative Highway Research Program<==>American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)<==>Federal Highway Administration
项目负责人: Hartell, Ann M
开始时间: 20210525
主题领域: Design;Highways;Safety and Human Factors