项目名称: |
Evaluation of Pavement ME Design Software for Flexible Pavements |
摘要: |
This research will provide the first step for the implementation of ME Design for flexible pavements in Florida. As such, a full understanding of the implications of switching design methodologies is imperative. This requires a comparison of the two design methods: AASHTO 93 Method and ME Design Method. Additionally, a comparison of predicted versus observed distresses is necessary to understand the accuracy level of PMED, Version 2.6. |
状态: |
Active |
资金: |
199949.00 |
资助组织: |
Florida Department of Transportation |
项目负责人: |
Hayden, Mary Jane |
执行机构: |
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) |
开始时间: |
20210413 |
预计完成日期: |
20230412 |
主题领域: |
Data and Information Technology;Design;Pavements |