Bus Stops and Passenger Amenities in Public Highway Right-Of-Ways
项目名称: Bus Stops and Passenger Amenities in Public Highway Right-Of-Ways
摘要: Public transit providers within New Hampshire have bus stops, transit amenities, and way finding signage within public highway right-of-ways (ROWs), including state-maintained ROWs. There is no clear policy or process by which a transit provider seeks and gains approval to implement stops, etc. There are safety and maintenance considerations that need to be balanced with the mobility/accessibility issues. The installation of bus stops, etc. has been going on for decades and will likely continue to occur haphazardly, but consideration should be given to the benefit of researching and formalizing the process. The tasks associated with this project will include research of best practices throughout the country, consultation with affected New Hampshire Department of Transportation Divisions/Bureaus, consultation with NH public transit providers or NH Transit Association, and review of associated Federal or State laws, if applicable.
状态: Proposed
资金: $100,000
资助组织: New Hampshire Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Scholz, Ann
开始时间: 20201101
预计完成日期: 20221231
主题领域: Public Transportation;Terminals and Facilities