A Holistic Work Zone Safety Alert System through Automated Video and Smartphone Sensor Data Analysis
项目名称: A Holistic Work Zone Safety Alert System through Automated Video and Smartphone Sensor Data Analysis
摘要: This project is inspired by major gaps identified in the literature pertaining to the work zone safety monitoring systems that leverage advanced technologies for tracking workers, identifying hazardous situations, and alerting individuals in danger. The existing systems have two key shortcomings. First, they either target safety hazards external to the work zone (e.g., only vehicular accidents) or workers’ state internally and related to their physical/physiological state (e.g., only human-factor ergonomics or fatigue). Second, previous work fails to address the lack of trust as an adoption barrier of such technologically advanced systems. This project presents a hybrid approach in which visual- and wearable-sensor data are used for safety monitoring and alert generation to offer a practical mitigation strategy to both external and internal safety risks. It leverages smartphones as a pervasive and standalone resource for collecting data and communicating safety-related instructions to workers. The project also uses information systems and behavioral science theories (i.e., technology acceptance model and Diffusion of Innovation theory) to build end-users trust toward scalable adoption of the developed systems.
状态: Active
资金: $132,000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
项目负责人: Glenn, Eric Zachary
执行机构: San Diego State University
开始时间: 20201101
预计完成日期: 20220201
主题领域: Safety and Human Factors