Sustainable and Healthy Communities through Integrating Mobility Simulations in the Urban Design Process
项目名称: Sustainable and Healthy Communities through Integrating Mobility Simulations in the Urban Design Process
摘要: The research team develops and validates a design focused active mobility simulation tool called that facilitates the design of healthy and sustainable urban habitats. The team proposes two significant new contributions: (1) Adapting statistical and behavioral models from the transportation literature to incorporate street quality and thermal comfort-aware active mobility mode choices over others. (2) Validate the new behavioral models with urban data from NYC: More specifically, the research team aims to create an hourly outdoor comfort map for NYC that will be correlated with CitiBike usage and pedestrian count data to investigate the link of urban form, microclimate, and life in the streets. In addition to the above contributions, the research team also plans to implement the most requested features from the community to remove a number of limitations that were revealed during intensive use in practice, online workshops, and conference calls with practitioners and researchers over the last four months. Key limitations that the team aims to work on are listed below: (1) Accelerated algorithms and data structures to speed up analysis to allow larger analysis domains. (2) Support for multimodal trips and other travel modes (such as biking, transit, and shared mobility). (3) Support for customizable choice models to determine which modes would be used for different mobility needs. (4) 3D terrain support to accurately model effort of sloped pathways.
状态: Completed
资金: 97192
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
项目负责人: Kline, Robin
执行机构: Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health
开始时间: 20201001
预计完成日期: 20210930
实际结束时间: 20210930
主题领域: Design;Operations and Traffic Management;Pedestrians and Bicyclists;Planning and Forecasting;Safety and Human Factors