Winter Pothole Treatments for Local Roads
项目名称: Winter Pothole Treatments for Local Roads
摘要: One of the most common forms of pavement deterioration is potholes. Potholes generally form during the winter months due to freeze-thaw cycles. Common practices among local agencies to repair potholes include the following: throw-and-go (consisting of cleaning out the hole, shoveling material into the hole and relying on traffic for compaction) and throw-and-roll (consisting of cleaning out the hole, shoveling material into the hole and then running over the patch with the maintenance truck to compact the mix into the hole). In more urbanized areas that have larger budgets available for maintenance activities, some local agencies may have additional options for repairing potholes. In comparison to the methods listed above, these methods require additional equipment, materials, time and labor to perform. Regardless of the method used, patches can fail requiring roadcrews to repair the same location, sometimes multiple times. This can become costly for local public agencies in terms of both materials and availability of road crews. The failure could be due to utilizing an ineffective process for the site, inferior materials or improper execution. As new materials and methods become available, the opportunity to identify better solutions for the treatment of potholes increases. Due to difference in resources, budgets and access to materials by local public agencies, a variety of treatment options that are realistic, cost-effective and durable is needed. The goal of this research is to provide local transportation officials with various cost-effective pothole treatment options that extend the service life of the repair during the winter season. The objectives include the following: (1) Determine current best practices for winter pothole patching among local public agencies. (2) Provide information on newer materials and methods currently available for the repair of potholes. (3) Propose various solutions to pothole repairs that may include improvements to current processes. (4) Evaluate how proposed solutions compare to current practices. (5) Identify the top 8 process and/or materials for the most effective pothole patching on the local transportation system. Consideration should be given to overall life of the repair, cost, labor, time to do repair and any geographic constraints (e.g., weather, availability of materials, etc.).
状态: Active
资金: 147461
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
项目负责人: Fout, Vicky
执行机构: University of Cincinnati
开始时间: 20200921
预计完成日期: 20220521
主题领域: Highways;Maintenance and Preservation;Pavements