摘要: |
The Wet Surface Crash Reduction Program guidelines from the Traffic Safety Division provides engineers with a framework for identifying existing pavement friction and the tools for specifying new pavement surfaces that will meet project-specific friction demand. This is a federal mandate that each state have a program of design, construction, and maintenance to improve highway safety. Wet surface crash analysis, aggregate selection, and skid testing are three interrelated phases of the program.The friction demand from the aggregate selection for flexible pavement is determined from completing Form 2088. During the past few years, there have been issues with flexible pavements having lower than expected friction skid values. These concerns were for pavements soon after construction where normally, it should be several years later after construction for friction skid values to decrease. TxDOT staff reviewed several Form 2088s submitted for some of these projects and they determined that lower skid values resulted in addition to lower SACs than what was needed for the flexible pavement.This form was created several years ago and there is no memory of how the selection criteria was developed. Districts continue to have friction issues with pavements and it is essential to evaluate the criteria from Form 2088. Researchers will perform a synthesis to search available information pertinent to the criteria used for Form 2088 to determine the Surface Aggregate Classification (SAC) and determine the criteria used by other states and governing agencies to determine the friction availability and demand. Researchers will survey local and nationwide agencies for experience and performance and then compile findings from research projects relative to any of the criteria. |